- 2-hour or 4-hour program for interns and young professionals as they enter the workplace and transition through young adulthood
- Young professionals will learn how to recognize the signs & symptoms of mental illness, when to get professional help, how to design a fulfilling life in this new stage, how to use strategies for healthy coping & self-care, and how to balance work/life
- Delivered by experienced clinicians, offered virtually or in-person
- Evidence-based
Delivered by experienced clinicians and educators
Offered virtually or in-person
Research shows that proactive mental health support in the
workplace results in 6x the ROI, especially for young employees.
2020 Deloitte Report
Our Mental Health Literacy programs are evidenced-based and have impacted thousands of people in 20+ countries over the past 16+ years.
To our knowledge, MHC is the only organization that provides comprehensive programs on all 4 components of Mental Health Literacy in the U.S. They are adapted from MentalHealthLiteracy.org, the worldwide leading expert in MHL. All of our programs are inclusive, delivered by experienced clinicians and educators, and offered virtually or in-person.
What is Mental Health Literacy?
Explore the 4 components of Mental Health Literacy
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